
Welcome to the Paulton Community Swimming Pool's Client Hub portal

Please register the details of the person who will be administering the Client Hub account.
You will be able to add other family members, such as your children, after registration.
If you are an adult registering yourself for courses or classes, then please enter your details.

Minimum of 6 characters

Terms and Conditions

Please can you ensure when arriving at Paulton Swimming pool you remove your shoes or bring pool shoes to wear whilst your on poolside or in the changing rooms.  Due to limited space at the pool can we remind all visitors that we only allow 2 spectators per swimmer. All children attending our dolphin swimming lessons must wear a swim hat, swim hats can be purchased at the reception desk if required. Once you are changed ready to swim can you ensure all clothes are taken from the changing rooms and kept with you on poolside until the lesson has finished. At all times can you please ensure that the entrance by the main reception desk is kept clear as this is a fire exit. 

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