
Welcome to the Swim Odyssey's Client Hub portal

Please register the details of the person who will be administering the Client Hub account.
You will be able to add other family members, such as your children, after registration.
If you are an adult registering yourself for courses or classes, then please enter your details.

Minimum of 6 characters

Terms and Conditions

Swim Odyssey - Terms and Conditions

Venue Policies
Must be adhered to at all times:

  • No food or drink allowed in the building.

  • No outdoor footwear allowed on poolside or past the no-footwear points.

  • Parents/guardians are fully responsible for their children; please ensure you are on-site throughout the lesson.

  • Where venues have gender-specific changing facilities, children over the age of 8 must use the correct changing rooms and are not permitted in the opposite gender's changing area.

Responsibility for Personal Items

Swim Odyssey is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal items brought to the venue, including but not limited to swimwear, towels, bags, and personal electronics.

Behaviour Policy

We expect all swimmers and parents to be respectful to staff, other swimmers, and venue staff. Any disruptive behaviour may result in removal from lessons. Persistent non-compliance with Swim Odyssey policies may lead to temporary or permanent exclusion, without a refund.

  • The use of profanity, verbal threats, or any act of violence will not be tolerated at any time. Anyone engaging in these actions will be asked to leave and may not be allowed to return to lessons.

Lesson Etiquette & Expectations

  • Swimmers must arrive on time and ready to swim at the start of their lesson.

  • Parents/guardians must ensure their child uses the toilet before the lesson to prevent accidents in the pool.

  • Long hair must be tied back or a swim cap worn to ensure safety and hygiene.

  • Swimmers must wear appropriate swimwear—no loose clothing, outdoor shoes, or jewellery in the pool.

  • For safety reasons, instructors may physically support swimmers where necessary for teaching purposes.

Medical & Health Conditions

  • Parents/guardians must inform Swim Odyssey of any medical conditions, allergies, or additional needs upon registration.

  • If a swimmer has had diarrhea or vomiting, they must not attend lessons for at least 48 hours after symptoms stop.

  • Any swimmer with a contagious condition (e.g., chickenpox) must not attend lessons until all scabs have healed and fallen off.

  • Verrucas must be treated, and children must wear a verruca sock during lessons and in the changing rooms to prevent the spread of infection. 

  • New babies should be introduced to the pool only once agreed upon by a health visitor or midwife.

Emergency Medical Treatment
In the event of an emergency, Swim Odyssey staff are authorised to seek appropriate emergency medical treatment for the swimmer if necessary.

Parental/Guardian Responsibilities

  • Parents/guardians must remain on-site during lessons for children under the age of 8.

  • For older swimmers, if leaving the site, parents/guardians must ensure emergency contact details are up to date.

Payment Terms

  • Payment is due on the 1st of each month and must be made via direct debit. A late payment fee of £5 will be added if payment is not made on time. This does not apply if it is your first term with us.

  • Please note that this is a non-refundable course. If you are unable to attend any of the classes, please let us know in advance. We will, as a gesture of goodwill, try to accommodate you in an alternative class, subject to availability. However, this is not guaranteed, and credits cannot be granted for missed lessons.

Teacher & Lesson Changes

  • Swim Odyssey reserves the right to change instructors if necessary due to illness, scheduling, or unforeseen circumstances.

  • We will do our best to inform parents in advance if a change occurs, but lessons will proceed as scheduled.

  • In rare cases where an instructor is unavailable and a suitable cover cannot be arranged, we will offer an alternative lesson or credit, where appropriate.

Pool Closures & Severe Weather

  • In the event of pool closures due to maintenance, we will endeavour to provide an alternative venue or a catch-up lesson. Refunds will not be issued where suitable alternatives are provided.

  • If Swim Odyssey cancels a lesson due to adverse weather conditions (e.g., snow or flooding), a catch-up lesson will be arranged where possible, but refunds will not be issued.

  • If Swim Odyssey cancels a lesson due to poor traffic or congestion (e.g., road closures or diversions), a catch-up lesson will be arranged where possible, but refunds will not be issued.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

  • If you wish to cancel your course booking, a full refund will be granted if the cancellation request is made prior to the date of your first lesson. After the first lesson has taken place, the course fee is non-refundable.

  • In certain circumstances, a change of time or day of your session may be available, subject to availability. Please email all cancellation requests to

Photography & Social Media

  • Photography and filming by parents/guardians are not permitted during lessons for safeguarding reasons. On an individual basis, you may request to take a photo of your child during their lesson. This must be done prior to the session using our photography consent forms. Permission MUST be granted PRIOR to the lesson.

  • Swim Odyssey may take photos/videos for marketing purposes, but consent will always be obtained beforehand.

Data Protection Policy & Safeguarding Policy
Our Data Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy can be viewed on our website at or emailed to you upon request.

Complaints Procedure
If you feel dissatisfied in any way or have a point you would like to clarify, please get in touch as soon as possible. We want to help resolve your complaint quickly. We are committed to providing high-quality service to you and all future customers. Therefore, we take all complaints seriously and will work with you to resolve the issue and improve our service.

For complaints, please email

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