
Welcome to the Jane Brooks Gym and Swim's Client Hub portal

Please register the details of the person who will be administering the Client Hub account.
You will be able to add other family members, such as your children, after registration.
If you are an adult registering yourself for courses or classes, then please enter your details.

Minimum of 6 characters

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Jane Brooks Gym and Swim Ltd.


I agree to the terms and conditions attached to each invoice specific to the location and activity (Swimming and/or Gymnastics) that my child attends.


I agree to disclose all relevant information regarding my child’s health, development and needs where applicable.


I agree to inform you of any long periods of absence or if my child is leaving the swim school or gymnastics club.


I agree to keep my contact details up to date.


I hereby give my permission for the qualified teachers / coaches employed by Jane Brooks Gym and Swim Ltd. to act in loco parentis in the event of an emergency.


I agree to the following Payment Terms and Conditions:

1. Clients must register for the ‘Client Hub’ where an account will be created for the purposes of invoicing session fees. Siblings will appear under the ‘family’ account but will appear on separate invoices.

2. Invoices are produced as soon as a member is allocated onto a course and will be sent out via email unless otherwise specified. At the end of each term, a new invoice is created and sent for the following term as part of our re-enrolment process.

3. The invoice includes all the available sessions for that term which are listed in date order.

4. Invoices are payable before a members second lesson if they are new members; otherwise they are to be paid before the specified date prior to the start of the course.

5. We DO NOT charge for sessions that WE cancel. Where cancelled sessions do happen, a credit or refund will be issued to your account.

6. We DO charge for available sessions that YOU do not attend. We do not offer refunds or credits for unattended sessions.

7. Should you decide to leave the course mid-term we require half a terms notice.

8. Lessons cancelled due to any circumstance beyond our control, Force Majeure, i.e. Snow, Flooding, National Lockdowns, etc will result in a 50% refund for the lesson missed in the form of a credit.

9. Credits will appear on the following terms invoice.

10. Payment is made via Direct Debit (through GoCardless). We are unable to accept credit or debit cards, or accept any form of childcare vouchers.

11. Fees paid by direct debt will only be collected by GoCardless if your child is enrolled on an active course. Should you choose not to re-enrol, we advise you to cancel your DD directly with your bank.

12. Accounts that are not paid in full by the last week of the term will be subject to a Late Payment Fee (L.P.F.) as published - currently £10 per member.

13. We operate a Debt Recovery Procedure in partnership with HM Courts Service and pursue ALL outstanding debts. The costs incurred in this procedure will be added to the final account balance. Accounts that are not paid in full after 4 weeks into the consecutive term will be automatically referred for debt collection without any further warning or communication.

Got an account? Click here to log in.